Let's say you want to build a face recognition system that is able to differentiate between persons of whom you only have a few samples (per person). Machine learning models generally require a large inputs dataset to be able to classify the inputs well.
When a large dataset is the luxury you do not have, we recommend using our KNN Classifier Model which uses K nearest neighbor search and plurality voting amongst the nearest neighbors to classify new instances. It's recommended when you only have a small dataset like one input per concept.
In this walkthorugh, you'll learn how to create a KNN classifier that's going to work based off the Clarifai's base Face model. The whole process below is going to be done programmatically, using the Clarifai's powerful API.
Note: Each of the steps below can also be done manually on the Clarifai Portal.
Create a new application
The first step is manual: in the Clarifai Portal, create an new application with Face selected as the Base Workflow.
Afterward, copy the newly-created application's API key and set it as metadata (see the initialization code). This variable is going to be used, for authorization purposes, by all Clarifai API calls that follow.
Add images
Add images that contain the faces you want to use as a training set.
Since the application's base model is Face, after adding an image, faces are automatically located and are available to be annotated.
import time# Insert here the initialization code as outlined on this page:# https://docs.clarifai.com/api-guide/api-overview/api-clients#client-installation-instructions# Insert here the URLs of the imagesimage_urls = ["{YOUR_IMAGE_URL_1}","{YOUR_IMAGE_URL_2}"]post_inputs_response = stub.PostInputs( service_pb2.PostInputsRequest( inputs=[ resources_pb2.Input( data=resources_pb2.Data( image=resources_pb2.Image(url=url) ) )for url in image_urls ] ), metadata=metadata)if post_inputs_response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:raiseException("Failed response, status: "+str(post_inputs_response.status))
Wait for upload & map IDs to URLs
Now we'll wait for all the images to finish uploading, and then create a dictionary mapping from an input ID to the URL. This will help us to annotate the proper image in the next step.
whileTrue: list_inputs_response = stub.ListInputs( service_pb2.ListInputsRequest(page=1, per_page=100), metadata=metadata )if list_inputs_response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:raiseException("Failed response, status: "+str(list_inputs_response.status))for the_input in list_inputs_response.inputs: input_status_code = the_input.status.codeif input_status_code == status_code_pb2.INPUT_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS:continueelif input_status_code in (status_code_pb2.INPUT_DOWNLOAD_PENDING, status_code_pb2.INPUT_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS):print("Not all inputs have been downloaded yet. Checking again shortly.")breakelse: error_message = (str(input_status_code)+" "+ the_input.status.description +" "+ the_input.status.details )raiseException(f"Expected inputs to download, but got {error_message}. Full response: {list_inputs_response}" )else:# Once all inputs have been successfully downloaded, break the while True loop.print("All inputs have been successfully downloaded.")break time.sleep(2)input_id_to_url ={inp.id: inp.data.image.url for inp in list_inputs_response.inputs}
List the annotations
Let's now print all the regions that the Face base model detected on our images.
The code below prints the annotations together with the input ID and region ID. These two IDs will be needed in the next step to annotate using our custom concepts. We'll also need the base Face model ID which is the one where model_version_id equals to embedding_model_version_id.
list_annotations_response = stub.ListAnnotations( service_pb2.ListAnnotationsRequest(list_all_annotations=True, page=1, per_page=100), metadata=metadata)if list_annotations_response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:raiseException("Failed response, status: "+str(list_annotations_response.status))for annotation in list_annotations_response.annotations:ifnot annotation.data ornot annotation.data.regions:continue# Display results only for the base Face model.if annotation.model_version_id != annotation.embed_model_version_id:continuefor region in annotation.data.regions: bbox = region.region_info.bounding_boxprint(f"Face was detected on input ID {annotation.input_id} (URL: {input_id_to_url[annotation.input_id]})")print(f"\tRegion ID: {region.id}")print(f"\tRegion location: left={bbox.left_col:.4f}, top={bbox.top_row:.4f}, right={bbox.right_col:.4f}, bottom={bbox.bottom_row:.4f}")print(f"\tConfidence: {region.value:.2f}")print(f"\tBase Face model version ID: {annotation.embed_model_version_id}")print()
Post new annotations
Let's use the above information to add annotations, in the form of a concept, to the detected face regions.
Input below the IDs from the previous call, and choose your concept ID and name that you want to annotate the region with (you may want to use e.g. person's name).
One last step before being able to do predictions: create a workflow that's going to map from the base Face model to our custom KNN model.
post_workflows_response = stub.PostWorkflows( service_pb2.PostWorkflowsRequest( workflows=[ resources_pb2.Workflow( id="detect-knn-workflow", nodes=[ resources_pb2.WorkflowNode( id="face-v1.3-embed", model=resources_pb2.Model( id="d02b4508df58432fbb84e800597b8959", # This is the base Face model ID. model_version=resources_pb2.ModelVersion( id="{EMBEDDING_MODEL_VERSION_ID}"# This is the base Face model version ID. ) ) ), resources_pb2.WorkflowNode( id="knn-classifier", model=resources_pb2.Model( id="my-knn-face-classifier-model", model_version=resources_pb2.ModelVersion( id="{YOUR_MODEL_VERSION_ID}" ) ) ), ] ) ] ), metadata=metadata)if post_workflows_response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:raiseException("Failed response, status: "+str(post_workflows_response.status))
We're going to run a prediction on the workflow created above.
post_workflow_results_response = stub.PostWorkflowResults( service_pb2.PostWorkflowResultsRequest( workflow_id="detect-knn-workflow", inputs=[ resources_pb2.Input( data=resources_pb2.Data( image=resources_pb2.Image( url="{MY_URL_TO_PREDICT_FACES_ON}" ) ) ) ] ), metadata=metadata)# We get back one result per input. Since there's one input above, one input was returned.result = post_workflow_results_response.results[0]for output in result.outputs:# At this point, two outputs will be returned: one for the base Face model, and the other for our custom model.# At this moment, we are only interested in the results of the latter model (if you want, you may also see the# half-baked results of the base Face model, which is not a list of concepts, but an embedding vector).if output.model.id !="my-knn-face-classifier-model":continueprint(f"The prediction of the model ID `{output.model.id}` is:")for concept in output.data.concepts:print(f"\t{concept.name} (id: {concept.id}): {concept.value:.4f}")