Release 6.8

Changelog 6.8

New Feature


Bug Fix

Enterprise Only




Use single LabelerToolbar for all labelers, make shared using Context

Remove all computation from components, move to selectors for perf

Fixed carousel scroll behavior

Added button to add collaborator when adding reviewer

Post incorrect bounding box. Fixed

Refreshing in Labeler Crashes Portal. Fixed

Add Grid Review UI to Review Page

Panning while playing a video renders rects incorrectly. Fixed

Navigation from the task creation page if task creation fails. Fixed

Konva: Image filters

Konva: Drawing rects

Konva: Drawing polygons

Smaller shapes should supersede zIndex values if they are engulfed by larger ones

Region selectors inefficient and running on each call, bypassing reselect memoization. Fixed

v2 interpolation: app crash on reload. Fixed

CSS issue causing VideoControls to be inaccessible to mouse. Fixed

v2 video: no thumbails in carousel. Fixed

v2 keyboard hint showing weird characters. Fixed

Selected Shape becomes unselected on playing video (make selection persist across track). Fixed

Ron is unable to create a task with AI assist in prod. Fixed

Write and Preview Tab style. Fixed

Task create form shows name as "undefined undefined" when a user has not filled in profile details. Fixed

Input source that was selected should be shown when task selected. Fixed

Create order fails if I'm a clarifai user. Fixed

Layout in order admin form has some issues. Fixed

Multiple errors when creating bounding boxes. Fixed

Cannot see annotations from a collaborator in v2 linear review. Fixed

Keyboard shortcuts dont work in labeler v2. Fixed

When a worker opens labeler, display the instructions by default. Fixed

Non-clarifai users should have v2 only, clarifai accounts should have v2 by default with option to switch to v1. Fixed

Cursor should change to a crosshair when drawing a bounding box. Fixed

Cursor should change to an open hand when panning is selected and closed hand when grabbing/panning. Fixed

Reviewer cannot see annotations by collaborators. Fixed

If the reviewer is NOT the app owner, clicking review takes them to explorer. Fixed

Tooltip for labeler nav icon should be uppercase. Fixed

As a worker, if I return to Labeler, I should be able to continue from where I was previously. Fixed

LaaS orders can't assign inputs which block the workers. Fixed

Community users should have LaaS option grayed out with an explanation. Fixed

Make the "order admin view" text larger and prominent as a section header. Fixed

In labeler UI (worker), submit button should say "Submit Input for Review" to make it clear what the button does. Fixed

[P3] In all tasks view, only app owner should see edit/delete icons

Carousel blocks input visibility (not just video controls). Fixed

In labeler UI carousel, show a check for any input that was submitted, and gray it out slightly. Fixed

Separate annotation sagas + standardise request batching code (for v2 store)

When creating a task in an app w/ no concepts, “Select all concepts” should not be checked by default. There are no concepts created yet. Fixed

Update task status on task list

Deleting an annotation in reviewer deletes all annotations. Fixed

Too many scrollbars in sidebar. Fixed

Partition worker strategy Error. Fixed

Integrate feature gating with LaaS.

Panning state not in sync with drawing/moving. Fixed

Have to click the + button 2 times to make it work. Fixed

Dragging mouse outside of the canvas while drawing leaves the drawing in inconsistent state. Fixed

Delete icon on v2 sidebar deletes all annotations on the input. Fixed

Resizing shapes near the right edge of the frame causes weird resize behavior. Fixed

Entering date manually in Order control modal fixed

Carousel Thumbnail animation not working; images looking weird in aspect-ratio due to incorrect CSS

Task Form console errors. Fixed

Add video icon to carousel for video inputs. Fixed

When we use keyboard shortcuts to activate a concept for bounding boxes, show visual feedback

Cannot read property '0' of undefined. Fixed

Review tab shows new tasks that have no work ready to review. Fixed

Video Interpolation doesn't work. Fixed

Labeler UI sees last input even after submitting everything. Fixed

Box disappears for a second while drawing on video. Fixed

Disable worker input when editing a task. Fixed

Input data stops being fetched if labeler is exited once and revisited. Fixed

Make v2 annotations state flatter. Fixed

Darker colors poorly visible in sidebar region items. Fixed

Mysterious Phantom Boxes Appearing. Fixed

Video not loading. Fixed

Multiple boxes appearing. Fixed

Misaligned Boxes. Fixed

Bounding Boxes and Concepts inconsistent during video playback {Usability}. Fixed

Change Labeler to use getHostedAssetUrl. Fixed

Enable drawing even if annotations haven't loaded. Fixed

Use new feature flags at frontend & Labeler for all

Can't add Iris workers to LaaS order. Fixed

Instructions shouldn't be false while editing. Fixed

Labelers/Reviewers should not see "--" when the task does not have AI Assist enabled. Fixed

Carousel should show some visual feedback when an input has been rejected

Carousel flickers and re-renders images when submitting annotations. Fixed

Add loading indicator to labeler view when fetching data

Moving a polygon to the edge of the input causes it to patch outside the allowed range. Fixed

Wrong worker_per_input field. Fixed

Hide other regions during interpolation. Fixed

Concepts Tasks: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined. Fixed

Carousel should show some visual feedback when an input has been skipped

Polygon points are sometimes too small to click. fixed

Send embed model id for image annotations. Fixed

Skipping/Submitting annotations causes unnecessary rerenders of the entire carousel (all thumbs). Fixed

Get an error when submitting an input in a classification task. Fixed

Improve concept creation process for new apps that you want to label

Labeler Reviewer No longer renders assets. Fixed

Add "Orders" section to task list admin view

Add checkbox to task creation for LaaS Orders

List name field instead of id fields in task lists. Fixed

Set task error code and error description if task annotations pipeline fails

Label task submit error: Malformed or invalid request. Fixed

Label video - playback control issue fixed

Hovering annotations in sidebar of Labeler, should highlight the region in the image.

Jumping Boxes during video interpolation. Fixed

Polygon rendering in Labeler v2

Virtual scrolling input carousel

LabelOrders not fetched when refresh at /labeler page. Fixed

Lock Edit feature for LaasOrders other than pending orders

Account for system states (inputId, taskID) between heartbeats and account for them in canvas interaction manager

Cleanup labelerv2 state on unmount

V2 Rendering Video Regions

V2 Video Interpolation

Labeler saga to process all remaining actions on input change & before user exits

Sometimes, bounding box values on Transformer go in the negative, Fixed

Task Form: Convert fps -> sample_ms

Let Clarifai user permissions for status & ETA change

Implement clarifai user journey for LaaS

Seperate LaaS order tasks from simple labeling tasks.

Edit task functionality for clarifai user

Include Order Task in "assigned to me" and "for review"

Regions disappeared in sidebar. Fixed

Implement a way for Clarifai users to review Order tasks

Video Rendering Sync with FPS

Reconcile V1 and V2 video frame index

Convert incorrectly created fps to sampleMs

Better signposting of task instruction preview panel

Reset Button doesn't work. Fixed

Can't go back from Labeler UI. Fixed

Collaborators can not add collaborators. Fixed

Labeler: Add both index and time to all video annotations

Implement polygon drawing

Toolbar Next & Previous button issue fixed

Worker filters don't work in review grid sidebar. Fixed

Fixed styling/layout of progress bar in the grid review page

Add "select all" link next to each concept heading in the grid

Integrate order task with current implementation for reviewer and worker

Modify Labelerv2 sagas to be compatible with listening to polygon events

Instructions editor should not show toolbar toggle, when in preview mode. Fixed

Worker strategy should be included while adding workers. Fixed

Task creation form concept field should correctly handle paginated response. Fixed

Partition worker strategy should only be selectable if you have more than 1 worker. Fixed

Labeler v2 submit functionality

GridReview: app crash due to code for getting reviewer name. Fixed




Patch annotation req failed. Fixed

Allow any type of task when the app default workflow is empty workflow

LaaS billing

Undo the delete of cvat persistent volumes

Copier failed in workflow prediction and causing 99009. Fixed

Make gRPC C# client

Make gRPC PHP client

Feedback for malinformend CSV formats

Make PostKeys and PatchKeys support apps->user_id set to "me"

Add automated testing of documentation code examples

change to getHostedAssetUrl to support returning both video thumbnails and video urls

Prepare clients for the secure gRPC channel

Update the gRPC copying code with C#, PHP

Use sendgrid template for email




Add AWS Lambda to model mode

Add AWS Lambda model type to API

Put Fairface model in production

Append landmark and pose annotations to Fairface dataset

Fix empty status response

Miscellaneous Fixes on Object Counter and KNN

Allow empty statusCallbackURL and entityStatusCallbackURL

Smart Reply

Remove isInternalUser Selector from Text Features




Editing the Empty workflow throws an error in portal. Fixed

Add Filtering By Concepts for Text workflows

Add supress_output field option to each workflow node in create workflow view

Add workflows tab to model gallery

Allow reindexing to different workflow without having a shared workflow node (with the old one)

No response when "Update workflow" button is pressed. Fixed




Refactor Sidebar ✅/❌ functionality to sagas

Combine Tool components

Cannot add card. Something went wrong. Fixed

DOMEX face app using face detect. Clicking on any image causes portal to crash. Fixed

App in staging, crashing when using pause/play with video. Fixed

Improve algorithm for grouping annotations and predictions in explorer.

N "Predicted Bounding Boxes" toggle button only works after clicking twice

Show track ID for videos in explorer

Use ModelType to validate args and persist default values with model versions.

Update create workflows page design

Add sortable columns when in list view of model mode. Fixed

Add pagination to the list of collaborations on app list page of Portal.

Adopt same tabs everywhere in portal

Display user_id in user's profile page of portal.

Use fully qualified urls throughout portal

Expose the delete button in explorer single input view

Adding new concepts to classification apps disappear from Single Image View until refresh. Fixed

Fix CSS styling of Text Assets for Single Image View

Image terminology in eval page

Empty workflow breaks explorer workflow dropdown. Fixed

Fix create model range selector min/max values

Model gallery in model mode fails when you click on any concept model with a concept not found message. Fixed

Classification Prediction Scores still disappear for previously created apps. Fixed

Disable "Train" button on pre-trained models

Video times offset by 50ms

Detection Tab of Image Details Sidebar does not always display in Face apps. Sometimes it shows classification equivalent. Fixed

Model details page crashes while displaying concepts. Fixed

Video thumbnails not displaying in search results. Fixed

Listing collaborators models in collector view doesn't work. Fixed

Fix API error while listing collaborators' models in collectors UI. Fixed

Remove unnecessary field from model details page. Fixed

Slider for Explorer prediction confidence doesn't apply to all the workflow nodes. Fixed

Sending embed_model_version_id on all model types but that's not valid. Fixed

Memoize sorted detection annotations and custom model predictions to prevent UI lag

Modify the way users navigate to the model details page

Fix collector mode to filter by user, then app, then models, then model versions.

Image carousel does not scroll to the currently selected text input being viewed

Last updated

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