Release 6.7

Changelog 6.7

New Feature


Bug Fix

Enterprise Only




Don't allow updating task workers

Don't create duplicated task annotations

Fix detection evals showing and too many metrics calls

Fix pillow installs for webp

Add enum for embed model version id field type.

Don't show model types for backends that aren't responding.

Clean up path

Add model_type_id to Model protos.

Add /models/types/{model_type_id} endpoint

Prevent models_versions.is_public from every being null.

model mode types that are internal only are being returned.

Create Labeling Order Object and send email to each time backend receives an Labeling Order Object & makes datalabeling a super user

App reindex

Patchable multi-embed workflows with re-index




Demographics model is now broken in model gallery.

Deprecate model.type from model mode

Update model gallery design

embed_model_version_id should be a dropdown




Add versioning to repo, redux, on screen

Allow reviewer to modify annotations during review process.

Store entire canvas state in redux/context, and drive canvas updates by central store

batch v2 shape events by only 1 PATCH/DELETE request

Delete functionality v2

Completely detach labeler rendering from server syncing process to enable background syncing

Input navigating functionality in v2

Set new regionId as "selected" shape if user has selected a transient shape during async updates

Region edit + delete API sync

Fix annotation denormalizer to rehydrate actual concept value

Create new region in labeler v2

Logic to reduce batched drawing events to least number of API operations

Implement new selectors for regions in v2

Normalize Annotations & Regions data for redux storage

Nest labelerTasks reducer inside labeler reducer

Konva: Concept Region drawing implementation

Konva: Implement Rect Transformation

Implement a futureproof schema for labeler interaction events

Move to event-driven design & have the ability to batch updates using custom logic

Create a single Sidebar component for all Labeling types, make children configurable

Remove all props unnecessarily passed from LabelerPage to deep children and make components get props from Redux only

Remove all logic from components to sagas for higher level orchestration of features

Video selector improvements & test updation

Can only save 50 annotations on an image {Usability}

Konva: resizing BBox below minimum size and "crossing over" makes things awry

LabelerPage complete re-render of all components on mouseHover, mousMove (img attached)

Cypress script doesn't terminate webpack-dev-server child process

Cypress pre-run script doesn't check if dev server is already running

Create Unit+Integration testing framework

Integrate headless Cypress with build testing

Switch to react-konva for performant canvas rendering

Add task id to task list

Panning functionality improvements

Lock video playback and interpolation to fps

Annotations created with interpolation seem to have incorrect frame indices

Bounding Boxes and Concepts inconsistent during video playback {Usability}

While annotating video, interpolation freezes and all annotations disappear

Boxes/Interpolation objects are not saving after task submission

Display task instructions to workers in labeler mode

Add infinite scroll loading to labeler carousel

Not incrementing onNext and onPrev pages in Labeler Carousel

Display only minimal log in Portal react app

Update Model mode to use the GET /models/types endpoint

Add list/grid toggle in model mode on all view

Collectors UI should use the layout similar to ModellingMode/LabellerMode

Bulk add concepts to region annotations in app with multi-embed base workflow

Profile page crashes on load

Model mode array of concepts should be unique

Model creation/edit bugs

New Collector page not scrollable

App Workflows - Unable to update model version for custom models

Display Created At Date in App Grid View

Support .txt files from local file browser

Support uploading of multiple video assets as well as image and video assets within the same CSV file

Add better user feedback for uploading text assets

Upload Text by CSV for NLP

Final NLP MVP Feature Changes

Remove 0 area detection filtering from frontend code

Modify accepted CSV upload format so every column corresponds to a network request field

Resolve final bugs with bounding box indexes

Prevent uploading image and video asset types to Text apps

No Visual Feedback for Text input Upload

Support Uploading Files through the OS File Browser for NLP

Custom Model Prediction Bounding Boxes are misaligned from the Detections Bar

Workflow Tab should display and load on initial view for text apps

Unable to navigate between text assets within explorer's asset detail view

CSV uploads not parsing metadata and concepts

Explorer's Advanced Search does not support searching by concepts

Training a classification model no longer display anything within the Custom Model Predictions tab

create annotation CUD sagas for labeler v2

Don't create task annotations in frontend

Form: Input Source showing auto complete options from other apps

Rich text instructions icon bugs

Task create form doesnt force you to set a reviewer if you specify manual review

TypeError: val.add is not a function

Fix autocomplete when user selects "All inputs" for selecting inputs in task creation

Error pops up when collaborator tries to edit task

When I attempt to edit an existing labeling task t...

Page not responding [Usability]

[Explorer] concept thumbnails aren't displaying from model details view

Concept Detail View displays incorrect assets

Add all concepts button to model mode forms

Concept Autocomplete in Model Mode doesn't always display




Allow run workflow and search embedding from embed model in workflow




Metadata Namespacing for Clarifai Apps

App details page should send a user to models page to create models rather than using modal

Last updated

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