Changelog 6.5
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Can't Access Main Apps Page with invalid collaborators. Fixed.
Unable to create new Application (General Detection). Fixed.
scopes field should be json
instead of jsonb
. Fixed.
Pasting long text makes Uploader unusable due to lack of scrolling. Fixed.
Support uploading text containing emojis.
Integrate and Implement task deletion using new endpoints.
Implement /tasks CRUD in API.
Allow annotation writer model to set the task_id
in annotation_info
Make polygons a separate task type.
Add empty CRUD endpoints for tasks.
doesn't appear in the returned object for demographics model. Fixed.
model types are no longer returning the segmentation mask. Fixed.
NLP text input does not scroll when longer than viewport height. Fixed.
Clear text inputs after upload.
Improve the "TextFile" React Component for NLP.
Make existing model details view configurable by model type.
Edit model should only contain the fields related to the selected model. Fixed
NLP frontend text input is covered entirely blue when selected. Fixed.
Enforce fields in post/patch models to adhere to model types. Fixed.
Fixed fps issue for video predictions.
Validate stat_value_agg_type
Dropdown Search Help Menu no longer displays in the search bar. Fixed.
Video thumbs have relevant timestamp in search.
Added adjustable search results threshold.
Search over multi-embed workflows.
Added search on input level.
Improved search query by using multi join.
Fixed panic in list saved searches endpoint.
Input metadata search from table not working. Fixed.
"Return to Log in " doesn't redirect to login page. Fixed.
Clicking on image, or Explorer Mode with images that contain geo coordinates crashed the app.
Portal model predicts use hosted URL when available instead of normal URL.
When selecting a concept and going to the next image the concept checkbox won't stay selected. Fixed
Allow multi-select from explorer grid view and add metadata.
Integrate and utilize new CRUD endpoints in Portal.
Allow for pasted text to keep formatting in the text box.
Prediction threshold slider custom model predicts without base workflow annotations. Fixed
Strings without spacing format properly in Explorer's Asset Grid View
should be a valid JSON in Model Mode. Fixed.
Hide the "add text" section of the add inputs modal for non text workflows.
Validate that all nodes in workflows list their inputs based on type.
Add NLP to Workflows List
Generalize the iterations over regions/frames in workflow code.
Add ability to "make a copy" of public_workflows.
Allow indexing embedding from detect -> crop -> embed style workflows.
Allow setting input nodes for all users, not just users.
Allow non-internal users setting input node when creating workflows.
Create/Patch workflow uncaught exception.
Update to reflect our current API clients including grpc clients.
Changelog 6.4
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Improved responsiveness of collaborations tab in /apps
Enabled list collaborators to list deleted collaborators
Login Form breaks app. Fixed
Deleting an app no longer redirects to /apps
Can’t create models in new app. Fixed
Fixed .webp files not working when sent as base64
MVP of labeler single image view functionality
Support detection tasks
Detection Labeler: Color Coded Concepts
Add workflow_id to task creation and show AI predictions to verify in labeler mode
Split tasks admin view into tabs
Add visual sections to task form
Add default queries for "all inputs" and "all unlabelled inputs" in task create view
Autocomplete annotation user
Implement Classification Task Review Logic
Implement Review Process into tasks
Introduce stats collection APIs for worker stats
Implement APIs for polygon region support
Incorporate image filters for labelling
Update image tool icons
Ability to zoom in on images
Remove ‘alt’ from hotkeys, just use letters and arrows
Label to draw box in video frame using frame bytes
Display videos in labeler
Add video fps field for tasks
Draw Bounding Boxes in Labeler Detection Videos
Add video controls for video in labeler
Fix Classification Annotation
Video annotation deletion. Fixed
AI Assist Predictions did not show for General workflow classification task. Fixed
Fix Classification video annotation
Display video in classification tasks
Fix Labeler input urls
Fix Annotation creation for video
Fix Labeler post calls
Detection Labeler: fix zoom
Fixed image cropper task description
Fix concept threshold creation
Set annotation status ‘success’
Restrict tasks to only the assigned users
Add validation to TaskForm’s concept field
Display human tags for human box as child
Convert Deep Trained Model to Embedding Model for Use as "Base Workflow"
Classification predictions for AI assistance
Merge this detection and custom model prediction sections for detection models
Video labelling UI for classification.
Remove the non-creatable types from model mode
Improve the create classifier / detector view options in model mode
Add deep training options in model mode
Update random sampling model to have a slider
Fixed public concept rank
Support detection evaluations in PostAnnotationSearchMetrics
Support nlp search (only filtering)
Add evaluations between two saved search label sets
Fix labeler search amount
Error: "Cannot search over annotations
" when clicking a general app. Fixed
Model name and details is not populated upon model creation in model mode
Fix annotation search when accessing the LabelerPage
Search by annotation_info should not return the embed annotation. Fixed
Search for metadata in detection apps doesn't work. Fixed
Create Dual Range Slider
Enable patching the default workflow from Portal and error if needs reindex
Allow drawing bounding boxes on paused video frames
Add scopes for collaborators and metrics to Portal
Allow up to 15-20x zoom level for really large images.
Allow selection the embed_model_version_id from Portal when creating a model
Fix inconsistent fps between uploading video and predicting video
Missing frame time. Fixed
Model annotations not appearing in Explorer. Fixed
When creating the auto annotation workflow editing the workflow crashes Portal
Fix image tools state
CreateWorkflow model improvements
Allow custom concept models in the default app workflows
Add a "Make a Copy" or "Copy to New Workflow" button for each workflow
Allow patching the default workflow in Portal
Show the default workflow in the list of workflows for the app
Validate patching of default workflow is compatible in backend
Large workflow name causes overlap in app details view. Fixed
Portal crashes if page reloads during workflow add/edit. Fixed
Detection workflow recompute also predict detect-concept
Allow detect-concept models to be added to workflows
Patch workflow create worker
Fix validation of inputs in workflows
Fix workflow embed_join_annotation_id issue
Clean up private API client repos
Remove public workflows from Python client
Changelog 6.3
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Send collaborator emails asynchronously
NLP bug fixes for non-text apps
Consolidated input related status codes
Add to API as well as region.track_id
Granted select permission to clarifairead
Added list annotations filter status
Added concept selection for tasks
Post/Patch annotations request now allow setting status
Changed task form options
Set annotation status to awaiting for review if the authorized user is not app owner
Return only input_level annotation in
Drawing annotations: wrong embed model version id. Fixed
Eliminated error if no annotation to be deleted
Create one annotation for each bbox
Added support for adding and training on text in the platform
Created a NLP mock prediction endpoint
Created test set to evaluate quick trained models or k-fold if no test search is specified
Added vocab_id for demographics model concepts
Fixed sorting of A.G.E. concepts in golang for demographics model so we don't chop off sets of them
Deprecated Face from javascript Client
Deprecated Face from Java Client
Confusion matrix predicted/true are swapped in evaluation results. Fixed
Explorer Image/Text Joint embedding
Fixed selectEmbedModelVersionId in detection apps
Fixed generalModel imports and optimized video click handlers with useCallback hooks
Persisted the saved search used in train a model version
Created log for annotation/search request/response
Region Searches within Search Bar still use crop coordinates instead of base64 bytes. Fixed
Created new Single Image View and Image Tools
Enabled Display Text Thumbnails in App Grid View and App Details View
Text Thumbnails display in Portal/Search Bar disabled
Enabled View Text Assets in Portal's Image View
Added Text Inputs To Explorer Apps
Imported new icons for Labeler Image Tools into the style guide
Added login tracking to analytics package in Portal
Allowed pasting into the add inputs text area and clear the text box after clicking submit
Search bar not visible. Fixed
Removed all instances of worker_id from Explorer
Fixed popover left/right overflow
Disabled all search by click handlers in Portal for Text Apps
Click Search button icons on Thumbs not working for localized search. Fixed
Fixed details page header missing description
Fixed demo font syntax
Added a Range Slider to filter Workflow Predictions by Value
Updated Face workflow to include the detect faces as concepts for search
Changelog 6.2
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Updated Privacy Policy URL
Fixed panic error in Signup
Ensured collectors are deleted when apps are deleted
View In Explorer button missing in app details. Fixed
Fixed failed to generate thumbnail
Fixed app duplication error when getting worker
Deleted collaborator should also mark application_worker to deleted. Fixed
Inputs count stuck at > 0 after delete all, with all inputs seemingly deleted
Task view UI for workers
Create task manager page and task creation page
New Icon for Task Manager/Task Viewer
Fixed POST annotations call on frontend to use correct embed model
Post annotations should include embed_model_version_id. Fixed
Added Apparel Detection to Demo App
Created UI for creating knowledge graph concept relations relations
Create annotation writer model to write annotations to DB
Pass and use test and train data queries to trainer
Added migration to upgrade old model_type in DB
Depredated Face from Python client
Unified the TypeExt and Type fields in model object.
Deprecated facedetect* model types.
Unified FaceEmbedModel and DetectEmbedModel
Converted face.Identity responses to concepts like other detection models to be consistent
Fixed demo font syntax
Video Timeline does not display on the demo app
Fixed Range Slider Value/Text in Apparel Detection Demo
Fixed demographics model to return embeddings and work with auto-annotate
Adding collaborator model counter-intuitively requires ENTER in order to enable the submit button. Fixed
Validated that concept relation doesn't already exist on POST relations
Prediction requests are being fired too frequently instead of using cache. Fixed
postModelOutputs is not called for newly labeled assets without a manual refresh
Return annotations posted by user in search results
Search by region not working for face detection. Fixed
Make “save” search button internal only
Saved Searches in Portal use the incorrect user ID
Fix crop search from single image view for faces/detections
UI for collector crud
Deprecate Face from Portal
Improve tabs UI
Video Predictions are failing in Portal
Fixed broken font syntax
Video detection workflow prediction support
Public general v1.5 workflow
Allow Patching to existing public workflow
Can not train LOPQ if app base workflow is face. Fixed
Changelog 6.1
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Remove Feedback endpoints from Python client
Remove Feedback endpoints from Java client
Remove Feedback endpoints from Javascript client
Remove Feedback endpoints from Portal/demo
Remove image.crop field from Python API client
Remove image.crop field from Java API client
Remove image.crop field from Javascript API client
Added detection evaluation in platform
Introduce concept mapping model that uses the knowledge graph relations, creating a path for users to eventually benefit from pool of networked data
Fix a bug that caused the new face predictions to have a huge performance drop
Train and eval worker didn't invalidate model related cache. Fixed
Fix bug in deleting a concept relation by ID
Bulk labelling can now be done from Explorer mode grid view.
Show Check/X on custom detection model predictions in Portal
Allow multi concepts per bbox
Negative tags not visible in Portal. Fixed
Remove extra round trip to storage in predict pathway
Remove the image.crop argument during predict and POST /inputs calls to simplify the API
Add region predictions from custom models to detections in videos
Implement search by annotation.status in backend
Connect saved searches and annotation status
Changelog 6.0
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Remove country field from signup form, simplifying new customer signups
Essential Plan User can't add collaborators. Fixed
Update API key type for "app_specific" for app-specific keys to be more clear to users
Allow Personal Access Tokens when calling /users/me (GetUsers)
[Frontend] Enable "Copy Application" from collaborated apps, making it easy to duplicate and build upon existing applications
Program to clean internal apps crashing. Fixed
Data Management
Added the ability to accept b64 Gifs
Functionality to upload pre-tagged images missing. Fixed
Images pre-tagged with concepts do not successfully upload into Clarifai UI On doing bulk uploads (>20-30 urls). Fixed
Bulk image upload issue. Fixed
"Download Failed" error when uploading images. Fixed
Issue with post inputs key being a PAT in a collector. Fixed
Skip aligning landmarks if landmark points are out of range to avoid errors and unexpected behavior
Bounding Boxes and Cropped Regions aren't displaying on Videos with default runtime config. Fixed
Insert annotations and related data in batch to improve performance
Evaluate new face embedding model workflow end to end for optimal performance
Validate that concept.app_id shouldn't be set when creating/patching models
Add new predicate to knowledge graph for "relates_to" to represent synonyms
Model training lag. Fixed
Model has missing inputs. Fixed
Submitted models becoming stuck in queue. Fixed
Custom training models when uploaded images are not fully pre-processed. Fixed
Custom facial recognition bboxes do not correspond with detection boxes/ Custom facial recognition prediction interval for video is still 1000ms for apps supporting 100ms runtime config. Fixed
frame_info time off by a factor of 10 for general detection model. Fixed
Detection Models throw error at end of video due to invalid index lookup. Fixed
Deleting a workflow should clear or update localStorage. Fixed
Clean up app overflow UI, improving user experience
Improve Error boundary screen, improving user experience
Add sentry error Id to Error Screen
Images not loading. Fixed
Label and prediction on the right side under Custom Model Predictions section no longer shows up automatically. Fixed
Provide a way for user.metadata to be updated from portal when there are failing apps stuck in there. Fixed
Predictions for a detection model don't show properly in portal. Fixed
Custom facial recognition Predict Boxes not displaying. Fixed
Adding inputs in explorer redirects to explorer view with flashing images. Fixed
Run prediction by ID in small batch, improving performance
Custom model predictions not displaying. Fixed
Custom model detections not displaying. Fixed
Add file upload input button to explorer search bar, simplifying the UX for file uploads
Filter custom facial recognition bboxes using a sliding bar, adding easy thresholding to custom facial recognition models
Search Bar allows file upload
Remove Explorer App Overflow Menu for improved UX
Changelog 5.11
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Create a UI for personal access tokens making it easier for users to access their own apps and any apps where they have been added as collaborators
Updated /keys to work with PATs so that app-specific keys can be created programmatically.
Login (user/PW) has no rate limit/max attempts. Fixed
Remove all instances of worker_id from explorer
When email link to verify my email address clicked, still see "verify your email" banner. Fixed
API services do not function once Queue goes down and comes back up. Fixed. This makes on premise deployments more resilient to power failures.
Add apps and keys scopes so they can be created with personal access tokens
Copy app count and last_inputs added in app duplication
Fixed demo font syntax
Fixed details page header missing description
Added favicon for Portal
Unable to copy an app that has been shared via Collaborators. Fixed
Setting useCustomConfig isn't checked at login. Fixed
Collaboration apps have race condition where wrong user id is used
Stopped loading of collaborations for search demo/logged-out users
Return “All” scopes when listing available scopes so that you have that option when creating new keys.
Collaborators can not see workers. Fixed
Missing Apps_Get
scope in session token auth caused creation of keys to fail temporarily. Fixed
List of missing scopes is not correct in error messages. Fixed
Data Management
Optimize video detection frame rate on Front end
Improve JSON serialization performance in our servers by using an optimized third party library
Able to overwrite default max conn for Citus
Rewrite input counting in the API to be more scalable and robust
Allow RegionInfo from SpireDetectEmbedResponse to contain Point when saving to DB
Unable to upload same file(s) through browse files. Fixed
ffmpeg can produce no frames for very short videos
Add Inputs/View Explorer does not display in new app anymore. Fixed
Clicking video thumbs in detail view does not reload a video. Fixed
Keyboard navigation in image details view highlights incorrect thumb
No Prompt when uploading an image to Explorer through URL. Fixed
Properly return error if AddAssets
failed to insert into database
Remove classification/detection toggle in image details view
Improved adding negatives to regions
Create one annotation for each bbox
Log capability added for annotation/search request/response
Eliminated error if no annotation to be deleted
Last concept used for bounding boxes is retained between apps. Fixed
The Add Positives / Add Negatives buttons on a Concept details view breaks portal
Custom facial recognition bboxes on grid view do not correlate. Fixed
Ability to keep concepts sorted by alpha in Portal
Implement image crop model to make it possible to work in subregions of an image
Implement random sample model type, adding to fixed function feature set
Update training templates to have more straightforward names and more friendly defaults
Fix the WorkflowInput field name in proto to workflow_input
Allow models that need outputs from previous nodes in a workflow to have access to those outputs to support chaining complex graphs of models
Confusion matrix predicted/true are swapped in evaluation results. Fixed
Fixed generalModel imports and optimize video click handlers with useCallback hooks
Fix for selectEmbedModelVersionId in detection apps
Drawing annotations: wrong embed model version id
Made custom training evaluations for large models stable.
Training progress is saved too frequently, causing very slow training
Return friendlier errors for incorrect parameters passed to templates
Fixed a bug in tracing setup for custom trainer and evaluator
Some models were operating slowly because of lack of resources. Fixed
Training System failed to train some layers. Fixed
Prevent users from evaluating models that are not trainable
Fixed node ID validation logic in Bug in workflows
Add colors to differentiate region results
Cannot view workflow results in a face app. Fixed
Video spire tests are not running correctly. Fixed
Video processing fails with 'caseids' error. fixed
Add click to search metadata attributes in image details sidebar
Implement visual search in another app as a model type you can add to a workflow
Search bar missing in some cases. Fixed
Region Searches within Search Bar still use crop coordinates instead of base64 bytes. Fixed
Click Search button icons on Thumbs not working for localized search. Fixed
Disable all search by click handlers in Portal for Text Apps
Disable "hide all positively labeled" inputs button for NLP until search works
Scroll active thumb into view in image details carousel
Render Video Assets in Search Bar
Editing geo/json search items no longer work after adding the search bar tooltip. Fixed
TypeError: Cannot read 'get' of undefined when clicking image thumbnails in Explorer search bar. Fixed
Explorer Visibility in small resolution screen improved
Changelog 5.10
New Feature
Bug Fix
Enterprise Only
Create delete email endpoints in v2 to finally get off old internal endpoints to streamline operations
Create Patch, Delete, Get CreditCards endpoint in v2 APIs to finally get off old internal endpoints to streamline operations
Improved billing for collaborators
PostVerifyEmail error causing some issues not being able to verify their email addresses upon sign-up. Fixed
Fixed flaky email verification integration test to provide more stability to sign-up process
Fixed a link to a non-public version of our API used for development purposes which led to a lot of login issues for users who landed there
Created display for scopes on collaborator invitations, allowing users to easily understand and control the scope of access allowed for app collaborators
Introduced Collaborators and Collaborations endpoints in API and UIs in Portal
Add ability to upload inputs from App Details screen in Portal
Created collaboration tab in Portal, making it easy to add collaborators to apps
Created display to show the user who invited you to collaborate on an app
Update email phrases for collaborator invitations. After successful sign-up, the user is now redirected to the app's dashboard in Portal
Fixed issue with concept counts in some apps
Clicking pencil icon to edit an API Key in Portal crashed apps. Fixed
Data Management
PATCH /inputs needs to check status of asset before patching
Removed sync DELETE /inputs after runtime config tested
Changed POST /inputs to be async always to simplify processing of workflows after API client tests updated
Added pagination to clusters making for easier data management
Sporadic inability to delete any inputs via Portal or in bulk via the API
Numerous third party security fixes under the hood during ongoing upgrades
Fix 40012 status caused by parallel deletes and adds having a race condition
Update status_changed_at when deleting inputs so we can better track changes
Cache the input counts so that apps can display them in Portal efficiently
Handle killing URL downloading if it is processing for more than 60s. This will make URL processing much more reliable
Return an error if a user sends YouTube video URL as that is not a valid URL to a video we can download
Prevent PostInputs from creating inputs with a user-provided Input.ID that contains a colon
Video calls failed if URLs contain parameters after the file type. Fixed
Failed to resolve DNS MX record in URL down-loader which effected some downloads. Fixed
Investigate why some re-hosted s3 links are no longer working
Getting input counts was broken in some apps, reporting zero, which caused Portal to add an input view to display always
Debug UnicodeErrors in URL downloading to fix URLs with Unicode characters
Fix the poor handling of video too large error message
Unable to batch delete inputs from time to time has been fixed
Media processor video handling was having errors with decoding some videos
Delete Image Button doesn't work in some scenarios
Fixed support for webp image format so it is available again
Deploy General Detection Beta Model to recognize multiple objects with bounding boxes.
Deployed new face detector for improved face detection performance over images and video
Created custom training enhancements that handle negatives better for improved model performance
Created evaluation metrics for custom facial recognition in backend for improved facial recognition performance
Topological sort for workflows for scheduling a sequence based on dependencies
Cleaned up duplicate models in workflow model list
Deployed clarifai/main general v1.5 in concept model
Create Pixel Training Hyperparameter Help Guide
Improved accuracy of annotation counts, improving the user experience when annotating inputs
If an image is tagged with a concept that is not in the model, training fails due to KeyError, this is fixed
Fix detection labeling bug where previous images image ratio is used which would cause display issues
We have updated Portal to scale to a large number of concepts with much lower resource usage
Investigate face bounding box probabilities consistency to improve user experience
Bounding box creation canvas in Portal was breaking on resize of the window
Cleaned up duplicate models in the workflow model list, so that you no longer see two General models
Unintended behavior for private model version IDs for certain customers has been fixed
Models referencing deleted backends should be marked as deleted
The latest version of our general model wasn't always default, now it is
Fixed a bug with face recognition evaluations.
Deleted Concepts Persisted in face recognition models. Not anymore!
Inability to see whether a large model is training and making progress, or hung has been addressed to better support our customers
Model won't train in some apps with no positive examples issue has been resolved
Fixed issues with color models failing for a short period of time
Fixed list of models available to workflows to only show a single General model
Return custom detection evaluations through the GO API
Improved cluster page performance
Investigate health checks killing a prediction backend service, which could affect some predictions in the API
Workflow predict sometimes was failing with 98012 status code. Many fixes here should reduce that
Workflow Predict called the wrong model sometimes. Not any more!
Video playback out of sync with detections in our demos
Fixed issues with regions predicted on inputs would be carried over between inputs in Portal
Fixed the flaky face recognition tests to ensure stability of our face recognition product
Face Detection backends were running out of memory for some predictions, this has been resolved
Return more descriptive error msg for post metric endpoint
Added helper text/suggestions to improve Portal user experience
Header Search return app_owner's user info in collaboration endpoints
Explorer Search Bar - Clicking the green/red circle icons didn't reliably detect click, now it does!
Portal not showing the correct number of results in concept search. Fixed.
Left/right arrows in single image view don't switch between images with regions. Fixed
Fixed carousel thumbnail clicks wiping query params / trigger new search
Last updated
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