
Clarifai provides a complete platform to deploy, maintain, and manage your AI models. Whether you have one input or billions, you are only steps away from using AI to power your business applications.

Get started with a few clicks, or a few lines of code.

Clarifai offers you two powerful ways to integrate AI within your technology stack.

Create and organize your AI projects


Applications are the basic containers for your AI projects. You can create as many applications as you want, and applications can be duplicated or shared with collaborators.


Annotations (sometimes called "labels") are how we "teach" machines to learn new ideas. When you want to create a custom model for your business, you do this by training this model to recognize the concepts that you have annotated on your training data.


Models are where the "thinking" happens in your AI application. Clarifai supports a variety of different types of models, including "machine learning" models that can learn new things from your training data and fixed-function model operators that help you control the way that your models interact.


Workflows allow you to link multiple models together so that you can build complex and creative solutions. Clarifai models are designed so that the outputs from one model can be used as the inputs in another model.


Predictions are the basic "output" of machine learning models. Predictions are returned as a list of concepts with corresponding probabilities that tell you how confident your model is with a given prediction.

Clarifai's patented technology automatically indexes your media for search. Concepts in your models can be used as search terms. You can also search with images to find similar images. We offer numerous search types that can be combined to filter and sort your data.

Last updated