
By Custom Metadata

After you have added inputs with custom metadata, you can search by that metadata.

Below is an example of searching over custom metadata. You can exact match any key: value pair no matter how nested it is. For example, if the metadata on an input is:

  "keyname": "value1",
  "somelist": [1,2,3],
  "somenesting": {

Then the following searches will find this:

  "keyname": "value1"
  "somelist": [1,2,3]
  "somelist": [1,2]
  "somenesting": {"keyname2":"value2"}
  "somenesting": {"list2":[5]}

How to perform searches:

// Search with only metadata{
  input: {
    metadata: {
      key: 'value'
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

// Search with nested metadata{
  input: {
    metadata: {
      parent: {
        key: 'value'
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

// Search with metadata and concepts or input source[
    input: { metadata: { key: 'value' } }
    concept: { name: 'cat' }
    concept: { type: 'output', name: 'group', value: false }
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

By Geo Location

Search by geo location allows you to restrict your search results to a bounding box based on longitude and latitude points. There are two ways you can provide longitude/latitude points. You can provide one point and a radius or you can provide two points.

It is important to note that a search by geo location acts as a filter and returns results ranked by any other provided search criteria, whether that is a visual search, concept search or something else. If no other criteria is provided, results will return in the order the inputs were created, NOT by their distance to center of the search area.

If you are providing one point and a radius, the radius can be in "mile", "kilometer", "degree", or "radian", marked by keywords withinMiles, withinKilometers, withinDegrees, withinRadians.

If you are providing two points, a box will be drawn from the uppermost point to the lowermost point and the leftmost point to the rightmost point.

Before you perform a search by geo location, make sure you have added inputs with longitude and latitude points.

Add inputs with longitiude and latitude points

Provide a geo point to an input. The geo point is a JSON object consisting of a longitude and a latitude in GPS coordinate system (SRID 4326). There can be at most one single geo point associated with each input.

  url: "",
  geo: { longitude: 116.2317, latitude: 39.5427},
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

Perform a search with one geo point and radius in kilometers{
  input: {
    geo: {
      longitude: 116.2317,
      latitude: 39.5427,
      type: 'withinKilometers',
      value: 1
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

Perform a search with two geo points{
  input: {
    geo: [{
      latitude: 116.2316,
      longitude: 39.5426
    }, {
      latitude: 116.2318,
      longitude: 39.5428
  function(response) {
    // do something with response
  function(err) {
    // there was an error

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